Kevin E Claytor

Projects and Posts on Physics and Programming

Nice to meet you!

I’m physicist at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. This is the home of my personal blog and project directory and represent only my views, not those of my current employer.

Feel free to get in touch.

Academic Work

You can read up on the previous research project I’ve been involved in. Or take a look at the publication list can also give you a quick overview of my work.

Personal Projects

I enjoy to tinker on my own as well. Most of these projects mix a hardware and software component, to make something that is interactive. Some of my current favorites are;

Programming Projects

I’ve worked in a variety of languages from MATLAB to Mathematica to Python. You can find some of these projects on this page, but I have migrated most to github.

Latest Posts

Netrunner Laser-Cut Identities

Netrunner Laser-Cut Identities

I’ve been using the laser cutter/engraver to generate some Netrunner identities for some time, and finally got some that look really good.

M.C. Escher Ice Cube Molds

When staying at a bed-and-breakfast they had these really neat hexagonal ice cube trays. We picked up some of our own when we got home, but the thought was planted - “what other shapes could I do?” Of course, one of the most interesting space-filling tiling artists of all time has to be M.C. Escher.

Netrunner Card Boxes

Netrunner Card Boxes

I’ve been wanting to upgrade my Netrunner card storage for a while. Now that I have access to a laser cutter/engraver, I finally took the plunge and designed these boxes. I think they turned out fantastic!